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13 Healthy Morning Habits that Boost Weight Loss

There has never been a time where there were more options and offers for doing sports and working out than today. If you want to lose weight and get back – or stay in – shape, there are classes offered on seemingly every corner, and for anything you might personally enjoy doing in regards to physical activity.

Even if you don’t have a car or just don’t want to leave the house, hundreds of online fitness classes are available to you to help you get a good work out in your home – every hour of the day.

At the same time, it has never been easier to get and stay in touch with friends and family without you having to move an inch – using your cell phone to connect, you don’t even have to get up from your sofa anymore! There is no need to move at all for social interaction.

However, these options definitely make it harder for us to stay in shape or lose any weight.

It’s not surprising that the obesity epidemic is only getting worse and worse; we are getting more and more passive in seemingly all areas of our lives – think of it, you can even stay on your sofa to eat … just call in and get some pizza delivered right to your doorstep.

If you have come to the realization that it’s time to change back to a healthier lifestyle, why not start with implementing some changes in the mornings? You’ll be off to a good start and moving in the right direction…

Following are some tips on how to boost weight loss by establishing a healthy morning routine:

13 Daily habits for weight loss to do in the morning

Research has shown that one of the most effective ways to lose weight is by starting healthy morning habits. These help you start each day off right and can have a huge impact on your physical health. Here’s what they are:

1. Wake up Before the Sun Comes up

A proverb says, “The early bird catches the worm.” This truth does not only seem to apply to situations where you arrive first and therefore get to choose, but also to getting up early. Studies show that people who rise early are less likely to become obese than those who get up late. Early risers also seem less likely to get anxious, depressed or experience a burnout.

And there are some additional benefits: getting up earlier than the other members of your household allows you to enjoy some quiet time without getting distracted, may get you to work before rush hour, allows you that extra time to work out, or just some extra time to prepare for the day ahead.

2. Drink water for breakfast

Drinking enough water throughout the day is very important for all of your body and brain functions. Since our bodies are made up of 60 percent water, drinking plenty of water keeps us from drying out like a raison.

Drinking a glass of water for breakfast has many benefits. First of all, it’s needed for your body to replenish itself after a full night’s sleep; it helps to flush out all the toxins that have been stored in your body overnight, strengthens your immune system and jump starts your metabolism. It also makes you feel good about yourself, because you have invested in your health – AND it makes you feel fuller faster.

3. Eat breakfast at least one hour before working out

If you prefer working out in the mornings it’s good to have had a healthy breakfast before you start on that run or exercise. Eating breakfast can improve your performance and endurance during physical activity, according to a study by the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

Important is not to do your work out right after you’ve had breakfast. A full stomach needs your energy for digestion – so after eating a meal, wait at least one hour before you work out. For a healthy investment, try eating fruits and whole grain cereals because they contain more fiber than any other kind of cereal.

4. Weigh yourself daily – or hide the scale!

If you are trying to lose weight, weighing yourself daily can help you do the math: as you step on that scale, you can see how far you have come in reaching your desired goal. It can be very encouraging to literally ‘see’ those numbers going down.

However, should this go in the opposite direction, and you don’t lose but gain weight, or don’t lose weight as fast as you would like to, jumping on the scale every morning can be very discouraging – and may make you quit your weight loss efforts sooner. Only you can decide whether jumping on your scale very morning will benefit you.

5. Drink protein shakes instead of coffee

You may love – and need – that cup of coffee in the morning, but try drinking protein shakes instead. Protein shakes come in many different flavors and contain the same amount of caffeine as coffee. They also contain protein, which helps you stay full and avoid munching before lunch – or grabbing junk food because of your hunger.

6. Start exercising in the morning

When you wake up early in the morning, don’t stay in bed checking your cell phone messages on Insta for 45 minutes, before you finally get up to take a shower. Put on some exercise clothes instead and go for a run or walk, and start up your metabolism.

According to a recent study by the University of Georgia, exercising in the morning speeds up digestion faster than any other time during the day. This is because exercise causes your body to release hormones and enzymes that break down food quicker.

There is just no better way to start the day – and you will feel great and proud of yourself. 

7. Start with a quick but intense exercise

Engaging in regular exercises is always effective for weight loss- especially when exercising in the morning. Research has also shown that a quick but intense exercise is much more effective towards weight loss than longer moderate or easy exercise.

Considering the little time you have in the morning before you need to go to work, try to invest in a short but intense exercise to boost that weight loss.

You can lose a pound in less than two days if you wake up, get dressed, and go for a quick intensive workout.

8. Make a meal plan – especially for long-term weight loss

A recent study by Penn State University shows that the habit of meal planning helps your effort to lose weight over a period of six months. Meal planning is probably key to achieving long-term results.

Making a meal plan is easy to do and just takes a little bit of time. Think of several healthy meals to eat at regular times during each day. Keep in mind that snacks are just as important as meals, so be sure to create some healthy snacks to hold you over until the next meal.

9. Exercise with a purpose in Mind

Recent studies have shown that doing exercises without a specific goal in mind does not result in long-term weight loss. First, determine how many pounds you want to lose and then make a strategic exercise plan. Research has shown that exercising for 30 minutes three times per week will help you lose weight and keep it off.

Once you’ve reached your desired weight, make sure to treat yourself to an amazingly delicious ice-cream cone – and then keep up the frequency and duration of your exercise routine to maintain your weight.

Exercise is just another tool to help you reach your goal of losing weight and keeping it off. There is no magic pill that will make the pounds melt off without any hard work on your part.

10. Look at Exercise as a Reward

If you have trouble finding the motivation to exercise, one way to overcome this problem is by thinking of exercise as a reward. After a long and stressful day at work – and probably spending too much time sitting in front of your computer – treat yourself to a brisk walk or jog in your favorite park. Your reward will be a renewed mind.

The same goes for exercising in the morning. Look at it as a healthy investment and a reward in the sense that, after having exercised in the morning, you can feel good about what you eat during the day. Make a list of all the good things that will come from exercising – you will get in shape, lose those extra pounds and have made an important investment into your future. This will be your reward for being diligent and not giving up. What a great reward and return on your investment.

Studies have shown that treating exercise as a reward can help you complete your workout goals. This is because it makes you focus on the positive things that you receive once you are done with your workout: you will feel better about yourself and proud to have worked out. This fills you up with happy hormones and makes you want to invest in reaching your goal of shedding some pounds even more.

11. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to your thoughts and feelings, as well as your surroundings, and making sure that you take times out to calm down, find peace and restore your energy. You can achieve mindfulness through meditation, yoga, or other activities like gardening.

Some benefits of practicing mindfulness include being able to live in and focus on the present . In doing this, you will be less likely to overreact to stressful events and situations. You will also have fewer negative thoughts and feelings during periods of stress.

Studies have also shown that mindfulness-based interventions help to increase weight loss and reduce obesity-related eating disorders.

12. Start keeping records of your intake

Keeping track of your carbs, fat, and protein intake can help you better plan out your meals each week. It’s difficult to lose weight if you don’t know even what you’re putting into your body.

To make this easier, start keeping a food journal of everything that you eat each day. By keeping track of your food intake, you’ll be able to tell which foods are healthy for your body and which ones aren’t – then implement small changes towards a more healthy diet. Over time, this will help you learn which foods are best for losing weight and staying fit.

You can keep a food journal by either creating a spreadsheet or using the Notes feature on your phone.

13. Sleep Longer

Getting enough sleep is vital to a healthy lifestyle. It strengthens the immune system, helps control appetites, and helps regulate and maintain blood sugar levels. But did you know that getting enough sleep can also help you lose weight?

Research has shown that people who sleep for less than 7 hours per night tend to weigh more than those who consistently get 7 or more hours of sleep each night.

A lack of sleep increases cortisol levels which increases our appetite. The longer you go without sleep, the hungrier you will feel. This makes it harder to resist temptation when hunger strikes, causing you to eat more over time.

The Bottom Line

Before starting any weight loss program decide to put your overall health first. Losing some pounds may make you feel prettier, but it’s only one part of the much bigger picture of living a healthy and happy life.

If you’re not in the best of health right now, it can be difficult to maintain a strict diet and exercise routine. Make sure that you are not struggling with any health issues before embarking on your weight loss journey.

Changing your morning routine will be the best kick-off to a new you! Start your day with a glass of water, go for a walk before you shower, enjoy a healthy breakfast of plenty fiber-rich foods, like fruits and vegetables – doing this will make you feel proud of yourself and get you started in your day on positive vibes.

By keeping up with such an inspiring morning routine, you will be able to improve your overall health and wellness – and shed some pounds! Try to be mindful of your needs, take time to meditate and rest, and try to get at least 7 hours of good sleep each night.

Regular exercises will help reduce stress in your body, which will boost your immune system and in return keep you healthy.

To lose weight, you don’t have to starve yourself or deprive yourself for days on end. Just make gradual changes to your lifestyle by slowly transitioning from a diet that doesn’t suit your dietary needs to one that does – and be proud of every step you take in the right direction, no matter how small it may be.

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