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26 Lazy Ways To Stay Skinny Forever

Lazy Ways To Stay Skinny Forever

Indeed, many people do not like going to a gym but still want to stay skinny. No wonder that the internet is full of various diets, offering to help you lose weight in a short amount of time. Those diets might be appealing – and even helpful … but some of us still wonder how some skinny women maintain their weight despite not following any diet plan or working out.

Yes, some skinny women may have it easy when it comes to keeping their weight. It may be due to their genetic make-up, or because they know what actually works for their bodies in regards to burning fat.

According to some nutritionists, to adapt to the skinny woman’s lifestyle is easy indeed – but you must first be willing to change your lifestyle! Being skinny does not have to mean that your body lacks nutrients, it is just a matter of eating healthier.

Here are some lazy ways to stay skinny forever:

1. Never deprive yourself

Moderation is the key to maintaining a skinny and healthy body. You can enjoy your entire favorite foods, but in moderation! According to nutritionists, no food can make you gain weight in itself; rather, it’s the size of your portions which determine your weight gain.

2. Eat until you are satisfied

The technique of putting the fork down after every bite helps you to better realize when to stop eating. Do not keep eating until you feel stuffed or bloated.

3. Half of the plate should have veggies

Vegetables contain water and fiber and allow you to eat your fill without you feeling stuffed.

4. Place a small order

Food delivery is the best alternative when you do not want to cook. Make sure that, whenever you order in, may it be frozen yogurt, coffee, salad or soups, you opt for the smaller quantity.

5. Know yourself

Many people have difficulty limiting their intake of pickable food, such as grapes, chips, candy, and nuts. If this is a struggle for you, try to limit your snacks to single-serving portions, for example hummus, nut butter packets, and hand-held fruits.

6. Soup or salad as starter

When dining out, order soup or salad as a starter, because they contain fewer calories and leave minimum room for the main course.

7. Opt to skip breakfast

The typical breakfast is full of empty calories. You can try what is commonly referred to as ‘the poison rule’, whereby you can only have either bread, drinks, or dessert, but not all of them at the same time – or you can opt to skip breakfast altogether and just have something to drink in the morning, like a smoothie or a cup of tea or coffee.

8. Leave some food on the plate or take it to-go

It is common to leave at least a quarter of your food on the table while dining out. So, if you don’t want to finish it but also don’t want it to go to waste, ask the restaurant to pack the food and then enjoy it the next day.

The reason for this rule is that restaurants often serve double the amount people normally eat, which does not help your trying to stay skinny. So, go out and enjoy your favorite foods, but enjoy a moderate serving and take the rest with you.

9. Constant Hydration

Sometimes people confuse hunger with thirst. Ideally, you should aim at drinking eight glasses of water a day. In addition, you can add a slice of lemon, for that vitamin boost and flavor.

10. Avoid heavy Intake at night

Many people have very busy schedules at work and forget to eat during the day. They then prepare a heavy meal in the evening, which is unhealthy and helps neither your figure nor your sleep. Better to eat a bigger lunch, after which you will still be running around burning calories, and enjoy only a very light meal or snack in the evening.

11. Do not eat in front of the TV

When hunger strikes while watching TV, grab some high-fiber snacks like fruits, trail mix, and popcorn. Understandably, we often want to treat ourselves after a long day at work, and start munching on unhealthy stuff while watching TV, but those calories will stick and immediately go to work against that skinny you!

12. Eat some snacks before a night out

A night out while hungry may lead to overeating. Try eating a piece of fruit or some nuts before you go out, to avoid being ravenous.

13. Always carry snacks

Temptation is always strong when you are hungry, which often results in you making poor spontaneous food choices. Carrying snacks allows you to satisfy your hunger – or appetite – with healthy foods. Some snacks that you could stash in your bag are healthy snack bars, trail mix, and fruits.

14. Do not drink calories

Stick to water to avoid drinking extra calories. It hydrates you and allows you to have healthy fats when you eat later on. Some water also contains additional sugar, which again affects your weight.

15. Partly adopt a vegetarian lifestyle

There are many wonderful vegetables out there, and it is a great way to give your body a break from animal protein.

16. Choose Whole Grains

Many diet plans suggest cutting carbs, but this is not really necessary. Incorporate whole grains into your meals instead. This will keep you full for a long time, maintain your blood sugar, and supply vitamins and minerals.

17. Make it your mission to always have a healthy breakfast

Some people believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If this is you, then kick-start your metabolism with a healthy breakfast, such as fruit and cereal.

18. Do some physical activity every day

Try incorporating physical activities into your daily routine, such as walking. Walking is often referred to as a lazy activity, since it does not require much energy but still burns calories and gets you in shape. For work you can try taking the bus, subway, or parking the car further away from your office, so that you can get a short walk in.

19. Exercise is not everything

Healthy eating and exercising should go together. You cannot have a good gym session, then eat a gargantuan dessert later, and expect any benefits. However, you can eat healthy foods and avoid going to the gym and still maintain a skinny body.

Food intake always determines your weight loss or gain, but it also depends on the kinds and amounts of food that you eat.

20. Avoid “mish-mosh” dinners

Eating and mixing too much hummus, yogurt, and crackers in the evenings result in an intake of high-calorie levels and deprive your body of a balanced diet.

Only a balanced diet helps in losing weight and can prevent weight gain.

21. Avoid eating after dinner

The source of energy in your body is calories. You do not need any extra energy while sleeping. Restraining from eating extra calories in the evening will help you stay skinny.

22. No tastes, licks, or BLTs

Eating off a friend’s plate, especially after finishing your own plate, can lead to weight gain.

23. Avoid eating out of the bag

Eating from a bag can make you consume the whole packet. To avoid eating too much, serve those chips, trail mix, or nuts in a bowl and measure your amount.

24. No Seconds

The stomach takes time for fullness to settle. Be patient and allow your body to digest the food before you help yourself to another serving. Most of the time, if you wait a few minutes after finishing your first plate, you won’t feel hungry anymore.

25. Avoid artificial sweetener

Artificial sweeteners increase your cravings, make you eat more and often lead to fatigue and bloating afterwards. A teaspoon of natural sweeteners, such as raw sugar, honey, and maple syrup, has only sixteen calories. You should always opt for natural sweeteners rather than artificial sweeteners.

26. Reorganize your meals

A traditional three-meal plan with one snack in between will keep your metabolism on the right track. Nutritionists suggest for you to split the meals into 4-6 smaller meals daily, with 2-3 hours in between the meals.

Eating less but more often improves digestion, and you will not feel hungry, because your stomach adjusts. The goal is not to get to the point where you feel starved before you eat, because hunger leads to overindulging in foods full of calories.

How to stay skinny forever?

1. Make protein your priority

This does not mean you have to eat a large chunk of meat and drink a protein shake. According to nutritionists, always pair proteins in a meal or snack. Because during digestion, paired proteins metabolize slowly; hence, they keep you full longer.

Some of the common protein combos include grapes and cheese, or celery and peanut butter. In addition, this kind of a protein intake maintains your sugar levels.

2. Create the habit of eating at a table

Sitting at a table and focusing on what you are eating allows you to thoroughly enjoy your food – and keeps you from having another craving soon after. Eating while doing other things like watching TV, will lead to overconsumption and making poor food decisions. Moreover, eating at the table is an opportunity to enjoy meals with your family and friends, and can be a time of bonding.

3. Always have healthy snacks

You must have enough energy to help you soar throug the day. Therefore, choose foods that will keep you uplifted. Many people overeat because they wait to eat until they are starving. Try to establish a healthy to-go snack routine to keep up your energy levels and help you not give into cravings.

4. Chew your food thoroughly

The digestive process begins with chewing, an important factor which never gets enough credit. The saliva in your mouth has enzymes that help with digestion; therefore, chewing food properly helps break down the food and makes it more digestible.

According to dietitians, the brain takes 20 minutes to recognize a full stomach. Therefore, if you take time chewing your food and that way slow down your mealtime, your body will signal satiation before you overeat.

5. Use smaller plates

Large plates lead to bigger food portions. Using a smaller plate helps you to eat less and still makes you feel like you have eaten your fill.

6. Drink plenty of water

It sounds like a simple task, and many people do think that they drink enough water every day, but that’s far from the truth. You should drink eight glasses of water every single day, if possible.

Staying hydrated maintains overall health and helps you manage your weight. Drinking a glass of water before your meal, for example, will cause you to eat less.

7. Avoid Diet Foods

Low-calorie and low-fat foods sound good in theory, but most of them are not.

Many low-fat foods pass through heavy processes and contain extra carbs. Manufacturers remove fat and pump in salt, additives, and sugar. After digestion, the ingredients convert to sugar, and sugar contributes to weight gain.

8. Let yourself off the hook

Self-compassion also creates a better and healthier relationship with food. Low self-esteem, on the other hand, can lead to eating disorders like obesity and anorexia, which result in excessive weight gain or weight loss. Always love and take care of yourself first – and don’t be too hard on yourself when it gets to reaching your dietary goals.

9. Ample Sleep

Little sleep affects your hormones, which in turn affects your weight. Hormones alter your appetite and make you begin to crave high-calorie foods. When lacking sleep you will also probably not have enough energy to want to exercise.

According to research, if you want to lose weight, you must have ample sleep, so this should be one of your priorities.

10. Every day is not a special occasion

Many workplaces regularly have doughnuts, friend’s cakes, and decadent restaurant meals. Sometimes one cannot resist, but it is important to know that a steady weight depends on a steady diet. It is okay to have occasional treats, but not every day. Be sure to keep your meals balanced.

11. Avoid Diet Coke

Many manufacturers suggest that ‘light’ soft drinks do not affect weight, but scientific research suggests that calorie-free drinks actually cause weight gain through hunger stimulation.

What that means is that drinking, for example, diet coke gives a person an increased craving for more sugar, leading to sugar addiction.

12. Eat sugar wisely

Sugar is not good for your body. Our body can only handle a particular amount at a time. Whenever you overeat on sugar, the body will store it as fat. Also, keep in mind that many processed foods contain a lot of sugar already, so your body may have gotten way more than the allowed amount before you even get to that delicious chocolate bar!

Minimizing sugar does not mean you have to cut it off completely; you should find out what your body can handle.

One way to know if you have had enough sugar is that, whenever you eat sweets, you start feeling bloated or tired.

How to stay skinny like a model?

1. Dieting

Make sure your plate has many vegetables. You should eat approximately 2 servings of vegetables per meal.

Choose lean protein since it promotes weight loss.

Limit carbohydrate intake, since its nutritious value is high in proteins.

Avoid regular alcohol because it contains unnecessary calories.

Drink eight glasses of water every day.

2. Exercising

Calculating your daily steps is one way to increase physical productivity each day. On average, aim at hitting 10,000 steps every day.

Sometimes working out alone can be challenging; consider working out with friends to help your motivation.

Many health fitness experts recommend working out in the morning since you apparently burn more calories.

It is crucial to incorporate strength training in your workouts, to tone and define your muscles.

3. Managing weight

Weight loss is a journey, and managing it is the most important part. Create a realistic and sustainable weight loss goal.

A part of weight management is maintaining a low-stress level, because stress affects the hormones that lead to weight gain.

4. Staying healthy

Consult doctors, nutritionists or dieticians, who have been recommended to you, concerning your health and dietary goals. It should not be more important to you to be skinny than to be healthy. Do not deprive your body of healthy foods just to stay skinny.

How to eat a lot and stay skinny?

Some people can eat a lot and still maintain a slim body. Here are some possible reasons:


Genetics contribute to 70% of your body weight. People who maintain a skinny body even after eating a lot may have a genetically predisposed body type, or sometimes their genes influence their appetite regulation.

Different people’s genes can cause one to eat less or feel conscious when full.

Working out

People who work out every day can maintain a skinny body even when consuming extra calories.

Sedentary individuals have fewer lean muscles compared to athletes or active people. Athletes’ muscle mass is denser than fat; therefore, active people appear leaner, even though they might have the same weight.

Metabolic rate

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) plays a major role in weight maintenance. Basal metabolic rate is the number of calories the body can burn at a resting state every single day. If a person has a high metabolic rate, they can eat much and still not gain any weight.

How to stay skinny without working out?

1. Do not count calories

Counting calories can mislead you. The body uses junk calories differently from whole food calories. Counting calories can make one deny their body necessary calories.

Many nutritious foods have healthy fats, for example, avocados, fatty fish, olive oils, nuts, dark chocolate, and coconut oil.

Try to focus on filling your plate with proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats. After establishing a balanced diet, you won’t need to count calories anymore, but still be able to maintain your weight.

2. Get enough sleep

The average person needs eight hours of sleep every day

3. Avoid carbs late at night

4. Choose healthy fats and not manufactured fats

5. Avoid artificial sugars

How to stay skinny in college?

1. Get enough sleep

2. Never skip breakfast

3. Walk off stress

College has many stressful moments, but walking on a treadmill, for example, can relieve some stress.

4. Avoid studying with a micro-fridge

Students love chips and other snacks in the middle of the night. Avoid staying in a room full of unhealthy snacks.

How to get skinny fast?

1. Cut your amount of carbs

If you want to lose weight fast, cut back on carbohydrates, sugar, and starches. Consider a low carb diet. A low carb diet reduces your appetite and hunger levels.

2. Eat meals full of vegetables, protein, and healthy fats

3. Physical activity

Daily exercises tone your muscles. Lifting weight and cardio work-outs have the benefit of you burning calories, and they prevent your metabolism from slowing down.

The Bottom Line

Weight loss and maintaining a skinny body is a journey, which requires dedication and consistency. It is easy to maintain a skinny body without working out, if you follow all the above mentioned dietary tips. And should you love physical activities, you might as well include them into your weekly dietary planning.

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