A happy marriage will never happen by accident but is the result of hard work and continuous effort. And, of course, this applies to both partners. However, this article will specifically look at seven qualities that a husband is looking for in a wife.
1 Someone who will be their best friend
There is nothing better in a love relationship than for you and your partner to also be best friends. You cannot get more intimate in any relationship than the one with your spouse, and once married, you will share everything, every day life with all its joys and challenges, as well as really trying times. A man needs to know that he can completely trust you and rely on you to keep the things he tells you to yourself.
Men usually don’t share any of their emotional struggles with their guy friends; when they get together for a beer sometimes, they are more likely to talk about their jobs, cars, cell phones and other practical issues. That’s why it’s so important that you are his one true friend – the one that he can really confide in, without being afraid of being judged or look uncool. They need you to be there when it feels like the world is crashing down on them or when they face some real emotional struggles.
2 Someone who listens
There is nothing worse for a man than being spoon-fed advice from a partner who is not even paying attention. Men usually try to master all their challenges by themselves, having been taught to be the ‘stronger sex’ – that they should be the provider, the one to take care of the family, and the one to have all the answers.
Generally, men are problem solvers and enjoy nothing more than a woman to ask their advice. But should your spouse come to you with a question or needing someone to listen to regarding his frustrations at work, for example, listening is the quality men crave most in a wife. Especially since they usually do not open up to their guy friends in regards to personal issues. Make time to listen to your spouse, and you will affirm his trust in you.
3 Someone who is supportive
Men are not as complex in their thinking processes as women, but they do need you to show your support. While they are out and about during the day, fighting challenges at work, they will feel safe and secure knowing that – no matter what – you’ve got their back.
Your husband needs your affirmation and encouragement to feel loved and appreciated. He needs for you to shower him with affection, regardless of what is happening around him. Show him your support by making sure that you are always there if he needs you.
4 Someone who will give him the space he needs
Men long for a wife who will respect their boundaries – and allow them to be themselves, without feeling smothered by her constant presence. Your husband probably loves to be around you and enjoy doing many things with you … but he may also need some space and time alone, especially when he is going through some tough times. Try to be sensitive to his needs, whether he needs someone to talk to or wants to be alone.
5 Someone who will make him feel like he’s the most important thing in the world
Being with someone is not just about being around each other physically. It is about feeling a special connection with the partner’s heart and soul. Your husband longs to feel like he is the most important thing in the world to you. He wants to feel special, he wants to feel loved, and he wants to feel like you look up to him. There is nothing wrong with adoration. compliment your husbands on any and all of his accomplishments, and even for remembering to take out the trash. Compliments take but a minute to say but will go a long way in making your husband feel special and appreciated. Show your husband how much you care about him, and make sure to also vocalize it, because, after all, as your intimate partner, he ideally is the most important person in your world.
6 Someone who does not nag
Women are more prone to nagging and complaining, but that is a complete turn off to a man. Instead of whining about your day’s struggles as soon as your husband walks through the door in the evening, welcome him home and wait for dinner to share some of your frustrations with him. And these frustration don’t have to be shared in a nagging kind of way – try to talk as matter of fact, and keep your voice neutral.
Also, do not keep telling your husband all the things he may not do as you expect him to. Criticizing your husband may have its place, but should carefully be thought about beforehand, because a critical voice will create a negative atmosphere – and will usually not be heard. If you have something important to say, that he may not like to hear, make sure to use a friendly and gentle voice.
7 Someone who is his lover
As long as you and your partner’s sex life is good and active, your husband will be assured that everything is okay within your relationship. Harmonious sex is probably much more important to a man than a woman. Men crave physical attention – everything from holding hands to hugs and kisses and making love – and that on a regular basis.
Physical attention is his personal affirmation that you still love him and long to be with and get close to him. Especially during challenging times, men find relief and deep relaxation in making love to their wife. Those intimate times are rejuvenating to a man and fill up his love tank. Maintain a sense of romance by showing your husband little acts of kindness throughout the day – and keep that romance alive by always making some time to flirt with your husband.
Final Thoughts
As his wife, most intimate partner and best friend, you should always try to be there for him … physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Your husband needs you to be nurturing and caring, gentle and strong, protective and supportive, comforting and encouraging – all the things he is for you too! The seven above mentioned things are vitally important for a man to be happy with his wife.