11 Obvious Signs You Are With The Right Person

Signs You Are With The Right Person

There are so many things in life that we take for granted: we go to work, pay our bills, and do the daily grind, only to wake up every morning to do it all over again. At least, it seems like that … until we hit a point in our life when we realize that we need someone else to complete us – someone to talk to on a regular basis and discuss life’s issues; someone to cuddle up to at night, and someone who makes us want to stay up later than usual, simply to talk and laugh throughout the night.

“Love is in the air” – If you are single and waiting for love, then you know exactly what these words mean! Love is not something that one can force or create, it just happens – and when it does, it is the most beautiful feeling … something to leave us breathless! We usually know when we have found love – and, if you are wondering whether you too have just found that special someone, then here are 10 signs to look out for:

1. You want that person to be happy, no matter how it makes you feel – The first sign of true love is that you find yourself placing your feelings behind the feelings of your ‘significant other’, without any resentment or jealousy.

2. Your thoughts are constantly wandering back to him, and you are having difficulty focusing on anything else – When you are genuinely in love, you tend to sleep better and your job performance, as well as your relationships with family and friends improve, which is wonderful! At the same time, all you can think about is wanting to spend more precious moments with this wonderful new person you fell in love with! All that seems to matter now is whether he is happy or miserable, secure or insecure; all you seem to care about is to make sure that he is ok!

3. You constantly find yourself doing things for that other person – partly because all you can think of is him, but also because being in love can feel like a burden … meaning that you somehow want to make sure that the guy you are in love with thinks about you as much as you think about him. So, whenever you do something for him, it makes you feel loved and wanted.

4. You start thinking differently about the relationships you’ve had before – Before you found your one true love, you felt that your former relationships were good enough, and could have never imagined now being so obsessed with a person… and that all you can think of is wanting to do nice things for him – just because of who they are.

5. You fall in love with the person’s laugh – When we find someone that we find funny, it is a sign that their personality will be probably make us laugh for years to come. This is an undeniable sign that shows us how they will make us feel, whether we are around them or not.

6. You start asking yourself why you are not with them already – Being in love is tricky and can make us feel very insecure; we rationalize and argue and wonder why we are not with that person yet. Why has he not called? Does he want to see me again? Why did I tell him that I loved him when I only barely know him?

7. Your friends are jealous of the love you feel for your ‘significant other’ – You find yourself telling everyone (including your friends) all about how wonderful this person is. You just cannot help it, although you two are not even officially together yet.

8. You care about what he thinks about you – When you both share this feeling, it is another sign that you could be with this person for the rest of your life. When you wonder about how he feels when he is around you, and what he thinks of you, it is very likely that there is a deeper connection happening between the two of you.

9. You start caring what other people think about him – When we fall in love, we begin to care so much about what other people think of and how they see ‘us’. That includes people we do not even know or have not even met before; we have this person so close to our heart that other people’s opinions seem to matter more than anything else.

10. You fantasize about your future with this person – We describe things that we imagine doing with this person in the future, and we feel like we can already see it, touch it, taste it.

11. You cannot think about anything else other than him – When you find someone you truly love, your mind is going crazy, trying to figure out how you could have missed this person before; how long have they been there without you noticing, and why is not everyone as obsessed with them as you are?

Final thought

Most people can relate to at least one of the points mentioned in this article; and many may associate some – or all – of these signs as a miracle of life! Fact is, we are made for each other! And that is why it is so wonderful and significant to have a good, strong, and healthy relationship with that special someone. We certainly deserve it! And there is nothing more exciting and fulfilling to finally find ‘your better half’!

So, if you find yourself reading these 10 signs and realize that most of them are true for you – and that special someone in your life – then go for it!

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