5 Questions to ask your spouse to immediately improve Your Marriage

5 Questions to ask your spouse to immediately improve Your Marriage

Marriage is the union of two hearts becoming one – and a wonderful thing! Two people have found and love each other, feel complete and are excited to share life together. They want to make each other happy and show their mutual respect and appreciation. The challenge in any marriage or partnership, however, is to…

18 Signs You are Experiencing Relationship Anxiety

18 Signs You are Experiencing Relationship Anxiety

Relationship Anxiety refers to those feelings of worry, insecurity, and doubt that may come up in a relationship, even if everything is going relatively well and both of the partners seem happy. When experiencing relationship anxiety, you might feel totally insecure or unworthy for no reason at all, are unable to believe anything positive your partner…

12 Romantic Questions for Getting to Know Your New Partner

12 Romantic Questions for Getting to Know Your New Partner

Humans are a mysterious and complicated species. We are so diverse in our personalities, goals, and desires, that it’s probably almost impossible to find that perfect match – a partner who will fulfill all of our expectations and share our interests. Good that for most of us, that’s not the goal anyway. The more important…

17 Tips to Keep your Long-Distance Relationship Strong

17 Tips to Keep your Long-Distance Relationship Strong

Every relationship will face some challenges, but long-distance relationships are especially challenging. It is hard to keep the spark alive and keep yourself sane, when you cannot be with your partner every day. One does not get the same benefits of being physically present, or the ability to hold them in your arms after an…

19 Insights on how to Improve Your Mother-Daughter Relationship

19 Insights on how to Improve Your Mother-Daughter Relationship

To have a daughter is a wonderful thing, and so is watching her grow up and becoming her own person. She may be just like you, or she may be totally different. We do not choose our children’s character, although they might inherit some traits from us. Of course it’s easier for the two of…