5 Simple Law of Attraction hacks to change your life

5 Law of Attraction hacks for change

Each of us long to attract good things – but what does that even mean … and how  do we get there? The following five ‘Law of Attraction’ hacks will resonate positivity into your life.

Simply put, the Law of Attraction is based on the principle of ‘like attracts like’, which means that  positive thoughts result in positive outcomes and negative thoughts result in negative outcomes. Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret, says that “we are like magnets – like attracts like. We become and attract what we think.”

Whether we know it or not, whether we believe it or not, the ‘Law of Attraction’ is always working in our lives. Whatever reality we are living in – be it a life of abundance or scarcity, happiness or sadness, health or illness, love or loneliness – is partially a consequence of our own thoughts.

But how do we tailor our thoughts, speech and actions according to this law? How do we integrate this law into our lifestyle to manifest our dreams, hopes, and goals?

  1. Take advantage of the morning

A new day is like a blank slate, and we can make use of the morning that carries with it a freshness necessary to produce positivity.

Studies show that our brain is more productive in the morning. Our level of self-control is also better in the mornings. In the morning we have not yet encountered the day-to-day dealings, and the early morning hour is therefore the best time to practice positive affirmation routines.

Here are some morning positivity tools we can use to enhance the ‘Law of Attraction’ in our life:

  • Recite your affirmations for the day. Affirmations are simple, short, positive statements depicting our goals for the day and our life in general. For example:

“I am beautiful, inside and out.”

“I am intelligent, skilled, and talented.”

“I am healthy, energetic, and strong.”

“ I am wealthy, prosperous, and happy.”

  • Meditation is a great way to center yourself. Choose a suitable type for you. If you’re a beginner, start with guided mediation that you can obtain online.
  • Practice visualization by writing down and looking at key words concerning your health, wealth, and happiness, re-training your mind to accept a new reality of abundance..

Abraham Lincoln said, “Imagination is everything, it is the preview of life ’s coming attractions.” Take the mornings to imagine positivity into your day. This is a great way to activate the ‘Law of Attraction’.

2. Take the good with the bad

It is important not to deny the existence of negativity in our lives. As much as we long for more positivity, in reality we continue to be surrounded by negative people and experiences. There will be losses, heartbreaks, deaths, and illness. How can we still align with the ‘Law of Attraction’?

Acknowledging the negativity means to catch it before it sprouts. We can recognize it by being honest with ourselves,  banish any worry or anxiety that usually accompanies a negative thought, and then seek solutions.

In this process it is helpful to know that positive thoughts are stronger than negative thoughts. With practice, we can develop positive feelings, thoughts, and beliefs, even in the middle of a bad experience.

Maintaining positive thoughts is a deliberate action. It’s choosing to see the glass as half full. It requires daily practice with every negative encounter, and with time, positivity will become our default mode.

3. Embrace the present

The only reality is the present. The Beatles’ George Harrison described the present moment by saying, “It’s being here now that’s important. There’s no past and there’s no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can’t relive it; we can hope for the future, but we don’t know if there is one.” 

Time is precious – we don’t want to get caught in the maze of the past or worries about our future. Both are abstract existences that have the capacity to waste our actual time and energy.

Practicing being in the present switches off the ‘autopilot mode’ that many of us run on. Focusing on the present moment, we can master our mind and choose to entertain mainly positive thoughts.

Mindfulness also helps nurture gratitude, a great accelerator of the ‘Law of Attraction’. True joy is experienced when you acknowledge and are grateful for the ‘existence of your soul’.

We can practice mindfulness every day by taking time to savor our food, breathing in wonderful smells and aromas, feeling a loved one’s touch, enjoying the warmth of sunrays and the pinch of a cool breeze on our skin. We can feel the rain dripping through our fingers and try to catch snowflakes. We can acknowledge and appreciate friendly nods, winks, and smiles, as others pass us by

4. The million dollar question

“What is the best thing that has happened to me today?”  This is an amazing question that, when considered and answered honestly, has the potential to greatly accelerate your positivity.

As part of our night-time routine, just before we go to bed, we can ask ourselves that question. Were there  events that stood out as impacting us in a great and positive way? We will be surprised by how many events we can list as noteworthy and reflect on.

This kind of reflecting enhances our level of gratitude, because it helps us realize how much we’re blessed and privileged. 

5. Breathe Properly

Of course, we have been breathing all of our lives, but have we been breathing mindfully? Is our breathing conscious? Proper breathing techniques strengthen and revitalize us and impact our physical well-being, as well as our thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

We can easily delegate the task of breathing to our subconscious mind, rarely thinking about it – but mindful breathing dictates putting the conscious mind to the task.  

We can improve our breathing technique by applying yogic methods. As we take some moments in our day to practice the various techniques, our energy flow will steadily increase.

As we start taking deep belly breaths, we can notice a feeling of instant calm, relaxation, and revitalization. Imagine how incredible we’ll feel when we learn to breathe properly!

In summary, the key word  to activating the ‘Law of Attraction’ in our life is consistency. We can commit ourselves to these hacks and put in effort, while,  at the same time being patient and forgiving, remembering that change doesn’t happen over night!

Fact is, consistent positive thoughts become beliefs and result in positive actions. With this new understanding, we can begin to take charge of our lives by learning to apply these ‘Law of Attraction’ hacks.

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