Start Living a More Amazing Life Today in 10 Easy Steps

We all have an image of the type of life we want to live – we think and dream about it all the time. But how do we get these thoughts and dreams manifested in our life? How do we get out of this mediocrity, where we’ve accepted a ‘standard’ way of life as normal? Isn’t it time we elevated to that amazing life we’ve always wanted?

Following is a list of things that you can do to start living an amazing life today. There are two categories: the first section addresses aspects to help improve your health and well-being; the second section includes things that will help you to live a more meaningful life.

by making sure that your job serves you by helping other people. My hope is that this post will inspire others to create their own lists, and I encourage readers to add comments about what else they think should be on this list if it was a hundred steps long instead of just ten.

Step 1: Get rid of toxic people

Try to rid yourself of the negative people in your life. Negative people create a constant negative atmosphere, which, if you are around them too much, will drag you down as well. It is impossible for you to live a wonderful life, when you are spending your time with someone who only cares about himself and dwells in his misery.

It’s kind of like trying to lose weight: the fastest way to lose weight is by cutting out all the unhealthy junk food, soda, and beer from your diet. The same can also be said about those toxic people in your life – cut out all those who always make you feel bad about yourself.

Make an effort to replace them with positive mentors who will encourage you and help make you a better version of yourself. Author and motivational speaker Robert Tew said, “Don’t let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out.”

Step 2: Set realistic goals for yourself to benefit you as a person in the long run

Tony Robbins , a global entrepreneur, author and life & business strategist, sees the dilemma in our goal setting: “People are not lazy, they simply have ‘impotent goals’ – that is, goals that do not inspire them.”

When you set goals that are realistic and reachable, you will feel excited and have the motivation to work hard to achieve them. If your goal is too big, it will very be frustrating for you not to be able to reach it – and will only motivate you to doubt your ability. When you set big goals for yourself, it is important that they are well worth your time and effort.

Step 3: Use well framed affirmations

Affirmations are the most powerful way to influence your mind, but you must use them correctly for them to be a successful tool. Affirmations work by influencing your mind in order to make it believe what you are saying is true. If you state affirmations in a negative manner, like “I am going to fail,” it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, rather than positive reinforcement.

If you state an affirmation in positive terms, it gives your mind the “go” signal that there is something great and awesome ahead for you, and you will subconsciously start moving in that direction.

Jennifer Lopez swears on the power of affirmations and shared some gems about positive thinking on this video.  “I am whole … I am timeless at any age … the universe owes me.”  Lopez says these are just some of the affirmations she uses to force herself to think positive thoughts.

Step 4: Avoid comparing yourself to others

Don’t compare yourselves with others, because it does nothing for you – except to maybe make you jealous. Fact is, there will always be someone better, faster and more successful than you – just like there will always be someone not as good, as fast or as successful as you.

So try not to compare yourself, but rather focus on what you can improve on, day by day and little by little. When you focus on your own improvement, it will automatically bring up your confidence level, self-esteem, and your level of happiness. “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment,” are the timeless words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, a famous American philosopher.

Step 5: Find a hobby

Find an activity to engage in that you enjoy – whether it’s a hobby, sport, or even just taking some time out for yourself every day. This will help you find something positive and productive to do during your downtime and bring back your energy and vitality.

Even famous people take up hobbies to have something to enjoy besides their professional jobs: Beyonce does beekeeping. Seth Rogen does pottery. Julia Roberts loves to knit. Especially when you work in an office or in front of the computer all day, picking up a hobby like doing crafts will bring about a healthy work-life balance.

Step 6: Mind your associations

Surround yourself with positive, upbeat people who want to achieve or enjoy the same things you do. They will help motivate you to reach your goals more quickly than if you were alone. It’s important to take regular time out to spend with friends, family, or a loved one.

Avoid too much negative news and information about current events, as they will only bring you down and may cause you more stress and anxiety. Spend time reading newspapers or magazines that have positive, uplifting stories; get rid of your television and stay off of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. What you put in front of you is what you become – meaning that whatever you look at and absorb – negative as well as positive – information over long periods of time, this is what will occupy your mind and influence your feelings.

Step 7: Be decisive

Any change needs a decision first. Make a decision and then take action. It is common that people make a decision to change something about their life, but then never follow through. Whether it’s quitting smoking, losing weight, or getting a better job … big ideas followed by no actions will stay exactly that, just big ideas.

Start taking some action today, no matter how small of an action it may be. “When you have a dream that you can’t let go of, trust your instincts and pursue it. And remember: real dreams take work, they take patience, and sometimes they require you to dig down very deep. Be sure you’re willing to do that,” says  Harvey Mackay, a seven times New York Times best selling author.

Step 8:  Eat healthy

If you want to live an amazing and fulfilled life, it is important to take good care of your body. To eat healthy is probably one of the greater challenges of our lives, because sweet and salty stuff just tastes too good! Plus it gives us a moment of satisfaction, when we are stressed or exhausted and feel like we need a treat.

Fact is, whatever we put inside of us will come out – meaning that whatever you eat will affect your weight, skin, hair, and overall well-being. Try to start being more conscious of what foods you eat, especially if they are unhealthy foods, like fast food and soda. Of course you can splurge every now and then, but on a day-to-day basis, it’s good to be mindful of your eating habits and choose your meals wisely.

Healthy food choices contribute to your overall wellness, including mental health. Create a wholesome meal plan which includes nuts, grains, vegetable and fruits. If need be, follow a suitable and non-demanding diet plan. Remember, you are what you eat.

Step 9: Conduct regular health checks

Buddha said, “To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” Focus on a healthy lifestyle and take care of yourself, and make it a habit to go to regular health checks.

By being in good health, you will live a longer life with more energy, vitality, and confidence. Eat well every day and take vitamins and supplements if necessary, to ensure that you get all the nutrients your body needs for optimal health. It’s important to make sure that your body is fully stocked with the adequate vitamins and minerals it needs to function properly.

As we get older, our health needs may change. Enrolling for a yearly general health check-up you can make sure that, with your doctor’s evaluation, you won’t miss out on anything your body may need.

Step 10: Drink enough Water

Drink enough water during the day – eight glasses a day are recommended – and try to do so at least half an hour before eating something. The human brain and body cannot function properly without plenty of water intake. Adequate hydration results in heightened physical performance, mood, and concentration. 

It is not that difficult to implement some changes, so that you can start living your life with more confidence, energy, and vitality. By following these ten steps you are on your way to a much happier and amazing life, simply because you will be happier about – and proud of – yourself.

By setting realistic goals and achieving them one step at a time, you will increase your self-confidence and be able to live a life filled with love, happiness, fulfillment, adventure, prosperity, success, and achievement.

Anytime that you fall off track take some time to reflect and examine what went wrong. Try not to blame others for why you didn’t achieve your goal. You are responsible for your own happiness, and only you have the power to really bring about change.

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