17 Undeniable Signs that you’re in Love

love signs

Love, in its truest sense, is the essence of life. You can do nothing without love – love makes our lives worth living and drives us to become our best.

Being in love is probably the most exciting time in our lives – it makes our hearts jump for joy, floods us with energy and makes us feel like we can conquer anything.

Following are 17 undeniable signs that you are in love:

1. The way you fall asleep is different after you have kissed him good night

After having kissed him good night, you feel this profound sense of security and peace, something you cannot even explain, and it makes you sleep like a baby.

2. You feel the need to have him close by, even when he is in the next room

Falling in love is nothing like your relationship with your best friend or brother; it goes far beyond that. All you want is for him to be near you – though not necessarily touching – just for him to be nearby, so that his presence can comfort and reassure you.

3. When he is around, the butterflies in your stomach just don’t go away

You can’t help but be a little nervous around him, and you feel excited and giddy. In his presence your heart flutters and your stomach feels funny. There is something so right about having him near you, and it makes you feel incredibly alive and exhilarated.

4. You feel like a whole new person

When you look at yourself in the mirror, you see an entirely different person – happy and gay, and one who has no idea what to do with her life now, should he not be around. Your heart skips a beat at the sight of him, and you just can’t get enough of him.

5. He is all you think about – every day and all day long

It is as if subconsciously you are searching for him everywhere. You are always thinking of him and wondering where he is, what he is doing, and if he is thinking about you too. You are not sure how much more of this you can take before things go completely haywire in your life — but then again, you are loving this feeling.

6. If it were not for him, your life would have no meaning

He makes your life worth living again, and you wonder how you could have enjoyed anything without him. His love gives you new meaning and a reason to get up in the mornings and look forward to the day ahead.

7. All you care about is his well-being 

From the moment you get up to the time you go to bed, all you care about is that he is doing alright, that there is nothing he needs, and that he is happy. You completely forget about yourself, because feeling loved by him seems to take care of all your needs.

8. You are completely obsessed with him

You cannot stop thinking about him, day and night. You cannot get him out of your mind — even if this totally distracts you. There are moments when you suddenly realize that you’ve stopped what you were doing, because all you can think of is how he kissed you the last time you saw him and how that made you feel. You are completely unable to focus on your work, or whatever you might be doing.

9. He is your everything

You can’t do anything without him around, and it feels like there is no chance that this will ever change. He is your everything – your joy, your happiness, your peace, your source of energy, your security.

10. You are willing to do just about anything for that guy

You are willing to give up your time, friends, hobbies, and even your money, just for a chance to be around him – though you know that this is probably not the smartest thing to do. You are willing to put yourself out there and do just about anything, just to show him how much you love him.

11. No other man compares to him

You are completely convinced that he is the most handsome, interesting, unique, loving and respectful person who has ever walked the face of the earth – and that nobody compares to him.

12. He is definitely your very best friend

You feel like he is the one you want to talk to about anything and everything. Whatever you want to share you now want to share with him, because he gives you the feeling that he can relate to everything you say, and he seems to be interested in all of your issues. He seems so understanding and gives you the feeling that he’s completely on your side.

13. You will never stop loving him

You are convinced that, no matter what happens or what he might do, you will never be able to stop loving him. No matter how much time passes or what the two of you may have to go through, your heart will stay with him forever.

14. You believe he is the one

No matter what anyone else might be saying about him, to you he is your knight in shining armor. He’s your better half and makes you feel so complete – a feeling that you have been waiting for way too long. He is your king and you will be his beloved queen.

15. You can barely explain how he makes you feel

When it comes to talking about your feelings for him, you have no idea what to say – there aren’t enough words to describe how he makes you feel. Your heart is filled up with amazingly wonderful emotions, and your head is simply empty. You’d have to invent new words to express just how he makes you feel … in the way that he talks, looks at you and touches your hair.

16. He may mess up, but it still feels right

Even if he says or does something that doesn’t feel right, you immediately come up with reasons for his behavior, in order to excuse it. There is something about him that makes you feel like no matter how much he messes up, you will not regret staying with him.

17. He makes your heart race

You know that something about him makes it impossible for you to stay calm when he is around – he just makes everything around you seem like nothing but a blur. You’d never thought that your heart could beat this fast, and it certainly never has – until you’d met him.


 If you can say yes to some or all of the points listed above, you are definitely in love! Enjoy this wonderful and unique time to the fullest – and hopefully this new and exciting romance will develop into a happy and fulfilling long-term relationship.

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