Arguing with your Spouse? The 9 most Common Communication Mistakes you Might be Making

Arguing with your Spouse? The 9 most Common Communication Mistakes you Might be Making

Communicating is probably the biggest challenge in any relationship. Each one of us comes from a different background, has different experiences, a different character, and different ideas and tastes. The question is how to find common ground when two people differ in their opinion and need to make a decision, for example. Many times, our…

How To Take Amazing Photos Of Yourself As A Solo Traveller

How To Take Amazing Photos Of Yourself As A Solo Traveller

Some people wonder how solo travelers take photos of themselves. What can one do when no-one else is around to lend a helping hand? Nowadays, especially young people know how to take selfies using their cell phones – but how does one make sure that that selfie’s not just a random picture of yourself but…

5 Questions to ask your spouse to immediately improve Your Marriage

5 Questions to ask your spouse to immediately improve Your Marriage

Marriage is the union of two hearts becoming one – and a wonderful thing! Two people have found and love each other, feel complete and are excited to share life together. They want to make each other happy and show their mutual respect and appreciation. The challenge in any marriage or partnership, however, is to…

18 Signs You are Experiencing Relationship Anxiety

18 Signs You are Experiencing Relationship Anxiety

Relationship Anxiety refers to those feelings of worry, insecurity, and doubt that may come up in a relationship, even if everything is going relatively well and both of the partners seem happy. When experiencing relationship anxiety, you might feel totally insecure or unworthy for no reason at all, are unable to believe anything positive your partner…