The Secret Behind the Secret: How the Law of Attraction Works for you to Manifest the Life you Love

What is the secret to living an amazing, content, abundant and happy life? What is the secret to attaining unimaginable heights in your career or business? What is the secret to experiencing overwhelming love and companionship?  Is it possible to live the life of your dreams?

The secret might be found in the New Thought spiritual movement, a movement that believes in what is called the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction says that everything in the universe is connected and that our thinking influences our reality … that things happen today because you’ve been thinking about them for years (or even decades).

The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that everything is energy, including you; that it has nothing to do with specific people or events, but that it’s a universal truth that operates on your emotions at the most subtle levels. It claims that your vibes are dynamic and ever-changing, that, if you know how to balance them, they can be extremely powerful, meaning that the more you feel good about yourself, the more likely you are to attract what you want into your life.

A similar movement, called the Law of Vibration, states that like attracts like. In other words, whatever you put out into the universe will come back to you. “The more you attune to your own energy, the more you see how your vibes affect your entire experience,” spiritual author Shannon Kaiser says. What others may call “luck,” she calls vibrational resonance. Vibrational resonance is when your vibration matches that what you enjoy (and has been attracted to you).

The belief is that life is about passion in everything you do. Everything starts with creating a vibration inside of you, though you may not even be aware of it – and the more positive emotions you put out into the universe, the more you attract what you want more easily.

So, if you want love, you need to start thinking about the specifics of the type of love you long for, and in the same way, think of the type of love you are able to give. This is called ‘applying karmic force to your advantage’, you give what you wish to receive.

If you want financial abundance, you must focus on it. When associate many good things when we think of money: material wealth, for example, implies stability and achievement; it is something many aspire to have, but few achieve. Visualize the specifics of your financial dreams, be it the exact amount of money you want to receive, the car, house, furniture, or vacations that you want to materialize.

Many of us stay stuck in our focus on seemingly having to live a life full of lack and scarcity. Many are stuck in low vibrations of self-pity and no self-worth. Changing your belief system to a more positive-oriented one is the beginning of the shift.

Everything you see in this Universe has an energy, which means your thoughts do too; they are just as real as a physical object. Your thoughts can be creative, or they can be destructive.

You must emanate positive energy if you expect positive vibrations back. Sometimes you might get caught up in the negative side of things — especially when you’re unaware of your own strength and power — and you may believe that you aren’t worthy of success. This belief will keep you stuck in your situation and will make it hard to bring about change.

We live in a positive and negative world, and it’s important to understand that both energy vibrations are ongoing.

There is something very exciting called the “Secret Behind The Secret.” So far, we have understood that the secret is to attract what we want and not attract what we don’t want. And that’s true, but there’s more to it than that.

The Secret Behind The Secret

Be grateful

We attract things into our lives based on how we are feeling. When we’ve been fortunate enough to be able to ‘manifest’ something, like a new job, it probably happened, because we were constantly thinking about it, longing for it, focusing on it – and even already feeling grateful for it, even before it had come about, or manifested itself.

If you take a look at your life right now, what do you have that you are grateful for? Start appreciating the simplest things, like your ability to see, smell, hear, taste … that you were able to wake up this morning; that you had a bed to sleep in. Be grateful for the people around you who care about you. Appreciate your source of income and all that this money enables you to do. Be thankful for your clothes, breakfast on your table, your car … the list is endless.

Make affirmations stating gratitude, even for things you’ve not received yet, as an act of faith.

Assess your past

It’s important to examine how you’ve lived your life up until now and focus on what you have done and had that you truly appreciate. Focus on the times when you were truly happy or unhappy – and what you were able to learn from those experiences.

Sometimes it takes painful lessons before we realize our need for change, but nothing can be changed until after we’ve changed our attitude toward it.

The Secret Behind the Secret is understanding that, for example, if you resent someone, it’s extremely difficult to feel good about attracting good things into your life, because you’re not vibrating at a high level. Your current low vibration of resentment will not attract anything into your life. Similarly, when you’re happy and have positive thoughts, it’s easy to attract good experiences and success, because of the energy you’re emitting.

Acknowledge the past, learn from it, and move on. Bad experiences will never pass away, if we refuse to acknowledge them. Refusing to let go of the past blocks important energy channels that would otherwise be able to transmit positive vibrations.

Practice patience

The manifesting journey requires patience. Instead of impatiently waiting for the physical manifestation of whatever you hope for to take place, pay attention to your inner work … your thoughts and your feelings.

As you focus on your inner attitude and begin to be more grateful, you will be surprised by beginning to feel more content and fulfilled – even forgetting about the physical manifestation … and then boom! It happens! It’s really much more about working on the intangible things, such as happiness and contentment.

Be patient and understand that although you may want something right now, it might take some time for the Universe to manifest what you want.

Practice Visualization

Visualization is also very important in manifesting your dreams and desires. People often find it difficult to visualize their goals when their minds are cluttered with negative thoughts. However, that’s exactly what it takes for you to bring about your desired changes … that in the midst of your current situation, you decide to think about and focus on the good things that you believe are going to happen to you.

Another challenge is that we are creatures of habit. We tend to be attracted by things that are similar to what we’ve already got or done. Visualizing is using your mind’s eyes to see what you don’t see in front of you yet, but want to be materialized. Use your imagination to your advantage. Envision with your heart and mind where you will be in the near future.


The Law of Attraction suggests that our thoughts are more powerful than we may think, and that they can either create or destroy – that’s why we should choose wisely, what kind of thoughts we think about ourselves and others every day. The Universe responds to what you give it — so be sure that what you give is something positive and nurturing for everyone involved, including you.

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