11 Simple Habits To Lose 100 Pounds Or More

Every year, countless Americans join the ranks of those who have successfully lost weight. Indeed, obesity and overweight rates in America continue to increase. A plethora of resources on the topic is available for those who seek them out. What follows are ten simple habits that can help you lose 100 pounds in just one year.

Small changes that led to 100-pound weight loss

1) Exercise Daily

Much has been written on the positive effects exercise can have on one’s mind and body. Daily exercise will help you maintain a healthy body mass index, prevent heart disease, and keep your energy level high. It can also improve your mood and increase overall health. Some activities that may be well suited to you are yoga, walking, jogging, or biking. The benefits of daily exercise may be enough to make the activity a lifelong habit.

2) Avoid Sugars

Research has shown that weight gain is often associated with high sugar consumption. This is especially true for artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners have been shown to stimulate appetite and increase cravings for other foods that are high in sugar. Sugar itself, however, has no nutritional value and should be avoided as much as possible.

3) Avoid Fillers

Eating too many foods that are high in “filler” can cause you to consume more calories than you need. Foods such as bread and rice contain large amounts of carbohydrates, which the body uses for energy. Fillers, however, are empty calories. These foods tend to be high in fat and/or sugar.

4) Eat Five Small Meals

The human body has an appetite for food that is much stronger than most people realize. If you do not eat five small, nutritious meals per day, you may be consuming more than is healthy for your weight. Eating five smaller meals helps to maintain a steady blood sugar level and to avoid hunger pangs throughout the day.

5) Eat Healthier Snacks

Some people spend their entire day without eating any snacks at all. Eating a healthy snack between meals provides the body with fuel and nutrients that help it to maintain a healthy metabolism. Good snack foods include fruits and vegetables, yogurt, nuts, or granola.

6) Drink Water

Drinking enough water will improve overall health by helping the body flush out waste material. Water is also good for flushing toxins out of your system. 100-percent fruit juice may be substituted for water if you need some sweetness in your life.

7) Eat Whole Foods

Processed foods are often high in fat and/or sugar. These types of food are also frequently “filler.” They fill up your tummy without providing nutritional value to your body. Having a diet based on fresh, whole foods is the best way to improve your quality of life.

8) Reduce Stress

Stress has been shown to cause weight gain. Even more important, it can cause the body to produce cortisol, a stress hormone that causes the body to store fat. If you are in a state of overwhelming stress, it is important to seek assistance from an expert in stress management.

9) Get the Right Amount of Sleep

The human body needs sleep to function normally. If you are not getting enough sleep, your body will crave more food or work harder to burn fat. For healthy living, aim for seven hours of sleep per night.

10)  Take Vitamins and Minerals

There are many vitamins, minerals, and supplements that are important to take daily. A good example is a beta-carotene which helps with vitamin A absorption. There are also many vitamins and minerals that the body requires to maintain a healthy weight. Talk with your doctor about which types of vitamins and minerals you should be taking regularly.

11) Eat More High-Protein Foods

High-protein foods can help you to lose weight by supplying the body with fuel for daily activities. High-protein foods also help to improve bone, muscle, and strength. They are a great way to stay healthy and fit as you age. In fact, high-protein foods can help prevent memory loss, too! When it comes to getting the best out of your meals, why not try making them more protein-rich?

Final Thoughts

All of the items above are important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you begin incorporating these items into your daily routine, you will notice improvements in all areas of your life. You will notice that you have more energy and are better able to focus on work or play. The changes in your physical appearance will be undeniable. You will feel more positive about yourself and the world around you. As my second-grade teacher used to say, “It’s more fun to be healthy.

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