8 Keto Diet Side Effects to Know

keto side effects

The Ketogenic diet is a type of high-fat, low carbohydrate diet to get your body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. What this means is that by eliminating carbohydrates, sugar, and processed foods from your diet, you set yourself up for increased production of ketones. These molecules are used by the body as fuel and can be burned directly from fat stores in the cells without breaking down proteins or other important molecules that come along with carbs.

While there were risks associated with getting into this state (such as not being able to eat food sources), many people who have stuck to the Keto Diet find it gives them more energy and makes them feel much better overall.

Common keto diet side effects

Here are the keto diet side effects:

1. Excessive thirst

As carbohydrates are eliminated from your diet, your body starts to burn fat stores for energy. It uses ketone bodies as a fuel source instead of glucose to keep you going throughout the day.

When your body starts to burn fat for fuel, it releases water along with it. When you start burning fat, the liver is responsible for breaking down fatty acids into usable energy and must also break down much of the excess water that comes with it. This causes you to feel an increase in thirst and can often lead to dehydration even if you are drinking a lot of water.

2. Frequent urination

When your body is producing ketones, it can be a bit like a diabetic shock. Urine output increases as your body remove excess water from the ketone production process.

3. Hunger

As you begin burning fat for energy, you have to give your body more fuel to burn. To offset this, many people find that they need to increase their portion sizes. The reason for this is simple when you stop providing your body with carbohydrates, the body begins using protein from the source and natural fats from food in your diet. Protein can help curb hunger in the short term, but won’t give you energy long term and natural fats will help with both of those issues as well.

4. Fatigue

If you are eliminating carbohydrates, you will eventually run out of stored glucose in the body. This means that your body must find alternative fuel sources and this can lead to fatigue over time.

5. Confusion, anxiety, irritability

As your body begins breaking down fat stores and storing the glucose from carbohydrates as glycogen and circulating it through the bloodstream, it can cause a few problems. It’s important to note that these symptoms are usually only short-term and only happen in the first week or so of beginning a ketogenic diet. If these symptoms, don’t pass after a few days or they become too severe, seek medical attention immediately.

6. Tachycardia

When your body is breaking down fat stores, it is forced to work a lot harder to keep you vital and this can lead to an increase in heart rate. Many people may notice this as shortness of breath or even dizziness and loss of balance.

7. Lightheadedness and shakiness

AWhen your body is breaking down fat stores, it is forced to work a lot harder to keep you alive and this can lead to an increase in heart rate. Many people may notice this as shortness of breath or even dizziness and loss of balance.

8. Sweating and chills

When fat cells are broken down, they release acids into the bloodstream.

These acids create a diet that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates. If you are adding a lot of fat to your diet, this can cause acidosis or a lack of acid in the body which causes it to produce heat or sweat.

This has been linked to organ damage and can make you feel very sick indeed so be careful if you’re on the Keto Diet.

What are the negative effects of the keto diet?

Keto Diet side effects such as constipation, low energy levels, impaired focus, mood swings, and bad Keto Diet side effects such as constipation, low energy levels, impaired focus, mood swings, and bad breath can make human life miserable. This is quite a popular diet at the moment. So, if you are planning to join the keto diet plan then you need to view this short video to know the side effects of the Keto Diet first.

Is the keto diet safe long term?

The keto diet is a high-fat, no-carbohydrate diet. Although it may seem like a dream come true for those who want to lose weight fast, this diet could be dangerous for your health in the long term, particularly if you are following it without expert guidance.

How long do keto side effects last?

The keto diet is a high-fat, no-carbohydrate diet. Although it may seem like a dream come true for those Keto side effects that you could experience in the short-term. Please be advised that these side effects could recur in the long term.

Do keto side effects affect teenagers?

Some of the side effects of ketosis may be seen in teenagers, pregnant women, and elderly people as some of the side effects of ketosis may be seen in teenagers, pregnant women, and elderly people as well. However, it is not established whether these symptoms are caused by ketosis or other factors. If you live with someone who is using the diet medication, have a chat with your family doctor to find out if there is anything else they should look into.


The Ketogenic diet is not for everyone, but many people have had success with it. It needs to be done right and can take some time, patience, and commitment to complete successfully. Ketogenic diet is not for everyone, but many people have had success with it. It needs to be done right and can take some time, patience, and commitment to complete successfully.

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