14 Questions For Getting to Know Your Partner Better

Let's get deep questions for couples

Let’s get deep questions for couples

Humans are a mysterious and complicated species. We are so diverse in personality, goals, and desires that it’s hard to find someone we connect with on every single level. But for most of us, that’s not the point anyway. The point is that when we do find the one person who makes our heart sing or brings out the best in us, we want to know them better.

We want to know what they do for fun, where they like to travel, what their favorite food is… And the list goes on.

In this article, we will talk about the questions you have to talk about with your significant other when you want to know them better. It will be a list of questions that you would ask during the first date, so that way you can get to know them and then discuss what they mean.

1) What do you love most about me?

This question is especially helpful if you are in a new relationship and you want to express that your partner means a lot to you.

I challenge you to ask this question without blushing! Be completely honest when answering this question because if your answer is not genuine, then it can cause conflict between two people. This might be the first time your significant other has heard this kind of compliment, so they may be surprised or even confused by it. They will appreciate the fact that they have made such an impact on your life, though.

2) What makes you feel the most loved?

A question like this will give your partner a chance to express what they need in a relationship. By listening to their answers, you can decide if you want to fulfill their needs or tell them how they can meet those needs on their own. If they are unable to do it on their own, then you can surprise them by doing it for them.

3) What would make you happy in a relationship?

Everybody wants to be happy, but how we define happiness varies from person to person. There are times when we feel we deserve happiness and some that feel we don’t.

If you get into a relationship with a partner who enjoys constant happiness, then they will expect that from you. It may be a challenge to honor their wish, but if you make it as successful as they want, then they will start looking for ways to make your happiness just like theirs.

4) What’s your dream date night?

In a new relationship, partners may not be at a place where they can spend money on lavish date nights. However, they can plan their own with the same premise as the ones seen in movies and on television. The point of this question is to let your partner know that you want to get to know them better.

For example, if you usually order pizza every Friday night while watching a movie, then you can replace the movies with his favorite television show or activity.

5) What’s your favorite romance movie?

Romance movies are usually made for couples, so asking this question gives the impression that you want to know your partner better. It’s also a good idea to ask this question in the beginning stages of your relationship because they will probably be able to tell you what their favorite romantic movie is.

You should not use this as an opportunity to defend why your partners’ favorite love movie isn’t romantic enough.

6) What’s your favorite meal to cook for date night?

This question not only gives your partner the chance to express their desire for romantic date nights, but it also shows that you are interested in them as a person. It helps keep the focus on them instead of being distracted by the logistics of their personal lives.

This is especially important if you are in an open relationship. You have to keep in mind that your partner’s favorite meal doesn’t necessarily mean your favorite meal, so don’t dismiss foods you might not be able to eat just because your partner likes it.

7) What kind of music puts you in the mood?

There are a lot of kinds of music that can put us in the mood. The question is more about what kind of music they like to listen to. Sometimes, it might be the same kind of music that puts you in a mood.

If you are dating a person who doesn’t like country music,  but likes rock and roll, then there’s a good chance he or she will complain about your choice of music.

8) What do you like to do in the morning?

This question will tell you a lot about what your partner does in their spare time. If they like to go for long walks every morning, then you know that is something you can do together. And even if you don’t want to do it with them, it can give you ideas about what else you can do together.

9) Where do your friends live?

This question tells you where your partner’s social network is. It also defines a certain level of independence. You should not ask this question if you are in a relationship with a friend’s ex.

This is especially important if you don’t share the same circle of friends. If your partner has one, but you don’t and they have more friends than you, then they will expect to see who their friends are on a regular basis. You will have to be comfortable with that for the sake of appearing like an equal in their eyes.

10) What’s your favorite kind of coffee? [or tea or juice]

This is a question that comes up a lot in Date Night (maybe more than once, if you’re lucky). It’s an easy way to show interest in their lives and preferences and to learn about their interests.

It can be a good idea to have your own personal favorite drink as well. Then you can always say that’s the kind of coffee you like best.

11) Where do you go when you feel stressed out?

This question gives your partner an opportunity to tell you about their coping strategies. Also, this will give you clues about where your partner will need extra attention.

If they tend to overreact to stressful situations, then they might want a calm and relaxed environment during Date Night. On the other hand, if they always need action and are always looking for the next adventure, then they might prefer staying in or withdrawing after date night.

12) Where are your favorite places to be alone?

This question is a great way to get your partner talking about deeper feelings. It will give you clues about what they find relaxing and enjoyable. It will also tell you more about their feelings toward you.

Do they tend to like places that are public and in the open? Or do they prefer privacy and seclusion? The answer can tell you a lot about them. You might not be able to plan your Date Nights around this, but it’s an important piece of information.

13) How do you like to spend your free time?

You can use this question to get a better idea of how your partner likes to spend their free time. Does it mainly involve other people or are they homebody who prefers their own space? You will also have an opportunity to learn more about what their feelings are towards you and your relationship.

14) What’s the most important thing in a romantic relationship?

This question will give you an opportunity to find out what your partner considers to be most important in a relationship. You can use this information to help plan your future dates. If they consider communication to be very important, then long Date Nights without distractions are a great idea.

If they value partner loyalty over communication, then you can plan your dates around activities that will strengthen your bond together.

Final Thoughts

This is a list of 12 romantic questions that are great for getting to know your partner better.

The best way to use this list is to choose one question at a time. You can pick a different question for each night, or you could save the questions until you need some Date Night ideas.

Either way, there’s no better way to get to know your partner than by asking them these questions. They will love it, and you’ll be able to learn all sorts of things about them that you never knew before.

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